Craver Middle School Kids at the Nursery

Six students and two adults from Craver Middle School came over today as part of their community service program. They were all great! They learned to prune, they helped take the poly off of a greenhouse end wall, they repaired a cart tire, readied the picnic table for paint, and learned to divide sedum to make new plants. They were great help to us and I think they enjoyed it.  Unfortunately some of the pictures in the barn were too dark to post.  The ones outside were almost too bright! But here they are anyway:

Thanks to Jamie, Dylan, Sierra, Rachel, Rubye, Makayla, Lavita and Angela! And how could I forget Brooke? Our new employee this year, Brooke is now officially a freshman at Rye High School. She helped with the 6th and 7th graders while running the cash register and watering the plants! Thanks so much, Brooke!

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